Detox/ Cleansing Programs

We take showers every day to clean the outside of our bodies, but how often do we pay attention to cleansing the inside.  Pollutants in the air and water can have a serious effect on our health, just as the chemicals in the food and personal care products do.  Unfortunately, we don’t often think of the source.  Did you ever consider how makeup or your antiperspirant promote illness?  At True Health we specialize in creating individualized detoxing programs just for you!  Because every body is unique and may have different toxins to eliminate, it is important for you to address your situation with the appropriate cleanse to manage your health.  Let us take the time to find out your individual needs and goals, and set you on a path to health and vitality with a customized program that works for your lifestyle and gets results!

Schedule Your Appointment TODAY!

Want to make a difference fast?  Everyone loves our most popular cleanse, the 7-Day Detox which yields quick results with little commitment.  Healthy doesn’t have to be hard, TRY IT TODAY!


CALL US TODAY: 480-779-0873