Understanding Naturopathic Medicine
Naturopathy is an ancient and proven branch of medicine that utilizes the therapeutic benefits of nature to promote complete wellness. The treatments not only relieves pain and discomfort due to diseases, but also helps you be prepared to fight sickness in the future. There is a common misconception that naturopathy is the use of traditional medicine and outdated techniques. However, naturopathy is a continuously evolving branch of medicine. Having imbibed the benefits of advancements through 5000 years of its existence, naturopathy is your surest way to achieving wellness.
Primum non nocere
First Do No HarmNaturopathic physicians choose the most non-invasive and least toxic treatments necessary for each patient.
Tolle Totum
Treat the whole personHolistic medicine recognizes the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual bodies. We treat ALL of you.
Vis medicatrix naturae
The healing power of natureIf we give the body what it needs and remove obstacles to cure, the body will heal itself.
Physician as TeacherNaturopathic physicians educate and empower you to responsibly care for your health
Tolle causam
Treat the causeNaturoapathic physicians aim to eliminate the root cause rather than suppress symptoms.
Prevention is the best 'cure'Live healthfully! Proactive medicine saves time, money, pain and lives.